Crisis Simulations for the 21st Century.

In the face of unprecedented global change, challenge and crisis, Capital Shield deploys intense, realistic simulation exercises, designed to build confidence and secure resilience.

Ready to get started?

Trusted by organisations like

Simulations Redefined

Capital Shield is redefining 21st Century crisis management exercises. Utilising custom, military-grade software, sophisticated data analytics and real-time communication technologies, we design and deploy exercises shaped by innovation and precision. We merge cutting-edge technology with an unwavering dedication to meeting your objectives.

Exercises for the 21st Century

Immerse your team in ultrarealistic, high-intensity crisis exercises, navigating the complexities of decision-making in the information age.

Realistic, High-Stakes Environments

Tackle demanding roles in a high-fidelity exercise environment designed to challenge and elevate your team.

Custom Designed for You

We understand every organisation faces unique challenges. Crafted by our team of simulation development specialists, each exercise is bespoke, tailored to meet your organisation’s specific objectives, team dynamics and industry requirements.

An All-Australian Innovation

We are a Canberra-based, sovereign crisis management solution, proudly serving Australia and its partners. Our secure environment is 100% compliant with Australian Government cybersecurity standards, making us a trusted choice for governments, universities and intelligence organisations.

Augmented by Artificial Intelligence

Securely leverage the power of advanced AI to deepen immersion and enrich post-exercise analysis.

Insights That Propel You Forward

Elevate every simulation into actionable intelligence, our data driven exercises empower you with strategic foresight about your team, your strategy and your overall preparedness.

Why run an exercise?

Build confidence. Secure resilience.

Exercises allow you to examine your organisation’s ability to prepare for, and respond to, pervasive, malignant threats, without compromising proprietary or national security interests.

  • Stress-test existing incident response plans
  • Cultivate relationships and networks before a crisis occurs
  • Understand risks, vulnerabilities and potential consequences
  • Improve situational awareness and crisis preparedness
  • Train and recruit your staff
  • Build resilience and business continuity capabilities
  • Stretch strategic imagination to consider the worst-case scenarios
  • Expose weaknesses, gaps and inefficiencies, silos and stovepipes
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What can exercise participants expect?

A fully immersive simulation experience.

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Participants will need to utilise the full extent of the organisation’s capabilities to solve a concurrent and compounding crisis event.


Field calls, analyse intelligence, combat misinformation, negotiate with stakeholders and tackle live media interviews.


Confront scenarios that demand strategic thinking, collaboration and decisive action, pushing participants to stretch their problem-solving abilities in a challenging yet supportive setting.


Gain profound insights and a deep understanding of your organisation’s crisis response dynamics.


Empower your people by instilling confidence, redefining skills and fostering a proactive mindset, ensuring they emerge well-prepared and resilient in the face of real-world challenges.

Ready to create a crisis simulation together?

At Capital Shield, we don't just simulate crises — we cultivate capabilities.